Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

December 27, 2009


Adrenaline (n): Hormone released by the adrenal glands, when making gifts awfully close to the Christmas deadline. Key to the sew-or-go (also known as the fight-or-flight) response. Prepares body for the emergency situation increasing heart rate, contracting blood vessels and dilating airways. Allows subject to multitask cooking, cleaning and child-wrangling with production of such items as ...

.... a pink satin skirt and gold train for size 4 princess (above) ...

.... a duck egg blue shower cap with handmade rose bias binding (below) ...

... a shopping bag in a favourite print ...

... an appliqued t-shirt for a cactus collector ...

... appliqued Christmas t-shirts for Argy and Bargy ...

... and one more Oliver + S popover sundress in size 4 .

Rest-and-digest response (n): a function of the parasympathetic nervous system. Returns body to a calm state after massive adrenaline surge and allows those mince pies to finally digest properly. Tends to occur after frenetic bouts of sewing and leads to blobbing about the house for several days.


  1. Wowee... you must have been absolutely flat out trying to get all of those gorgeous pressies finished!

  2. Holy smokes batman you have been busy!

  3. I don't think "WOW!" does all your good work justice, but it's all of got this morning!


  4. I laughed, because today I'm feeling so lost. Everything about me for the last 4 weeks has been geared up to Christmas Day and now I'm not really sure what to do with myself!

    Happy Christmas to you and yours. I do love the appliqued Christmas Tree shirts, just lovely.

  5. Oh you make me laugh....wish I was on the big Hoppo Bumpo xmas list.

  6. I cut out the fabric for the sundress, but alas, it was not made in time. Will have to wait til the 6 month old is size 3! Perhaps best to make the thing this week, lest the same time management issues occur in 2011.
    Hope your Christmas was as fun as your gifts look!

  7. Liesl, you are a sewing machine! I'm filled with admiration as I didn't get all my intended presents finished this year (again!). Luckily my sis was happy with the reversible apron and tablecloths I made her, and the few other things I made were well received.

    Hope you have a wonderful year in 2010, and that we can catch up again some time soon.

    xx Juddie

  8. Hey again,

    I just realised how odd the first sentence of my comment (above) sounds.... I meant it sort of the way you might say, "WOW! you're a writing MACHINE!", but now I see that it just looks as though I've called you a household appliance....

    Brain dead - forgive me!

  9. Hope the mince pies digested nicely! Merry Christmas to you, Argy, Bargy and Mr HB.

    PS My christmas present sewing officially finished yesterday morning (27th) whoops!


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