Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

September 25, 2009

You call that dinner?

The Thai fish cakes were looking absolutely delectable.
Just up until the point before I started to make them.


  1. You should have brought them over Liesl, my rule is: if someone else made dinner, then dinner is delicious :)
    I bet they still tasted great!

  2. My partner (chief cook at our house) botched the supermarket shopping, gave up and came home with KFC last night!!? (First time I'd ever eaten... well... a LITTLE bit of it). I'd have eaten Thai fish cakes in ANY shape or form!!

  3. Aaaah! I am of the "don't care what it looks like, what matters how is how it tastes" school of culinary discipline so no judgement from me!

  4. Oh I am sure they tasted better than they looked...

  5. they still look edible, just a little broken. could say it was the look you were going for ;)

  6. I'm not big on food looking beautiful. I mean you know it doesn't really effect the taste, and your stomach never knows. So I bet they were super delicious, because what they lacked in beauty they made up for in taste!

  7. They don't look too bad - you should see my falafels!

  8. My Goodness! It's nearly one in the morning, I must be off to bed, but seeing your blog made me laugh out loud! Thanks! Donna Hay eat your heart out!

  9. Is this "You Call That Dinner?" segment a spin-off from your "Stand Back and Throw" series? Will it be a regular meme? Can anyone join? I think I may have some photos to submit ;)


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