Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

September 05, 2008

Keeping it simple

This evening Mr HB popped out for a spot of shopping at an electronics store. Before departing, he wisely decided to check the store location. This is the map he found.

I don't know about you, but I have the vaguest feeling that something has been omitted. Hmmm - what could it be?


  1. Wow, where is the cross street....someone somewhere is probably geating reamed out from that bib boo boo, somehow the mistakes other people make make me feel not so inadequate.

  2. Funny! Did your DH find the place anyway?

  3. Ok, so I have just got out of bed and am a little groggy but on first looks I thought that map looks ok to me! But then my brain really clicked into gear and I thought well there must be something wrong with it otherwise why would HB post about it. You will be pleased to know it came to me eventually. Hmmm Im not the brightest blogger on the net this morning.

  4. Oh my goodness - that is completely random!!

  5. Funny! Did he find it? Maroondah highway is a mightly long road!

  6. Funny! He could have been driving for ages!

    At least 'north' was on the map.

  7. LOL! My husband and I stumbled on this map the other week whilst looking for exactly the same store! We must live near-ish eachother. We puzzled over it for a while then decided it must be down near the Chinese restaurant.

  8. Oh come on, its not as if Maroondah Highway is that long....


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