Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

January 25, 2011

Today, I wish ...

... I was a cat*

* Except for the bit about not having opposable thumbs, because I would quite like to do some sewing too


  1. maybe be one of those cats with 6 toes? the extra toe might work ok for a thumb

  2. That's what I'm coming back as "in my next life" - but to someone who loves cats!!! or else I'll be like T.C. in the alley.....

  3. They have a great life don't they !

  4. Ah yes. Being taken care of all day, lying in the sun, purring away. Sounds heavenly indeed.

  5. Personally I'm not into licking thy self, but whatever takes your fancy....

  6. I nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award, Liesl---details on my latest post. :)

  7. Hi there, nice information provided. thanks for that. keep posting of blogs in the future. thanks once again..

  8. You portrayed the topic well.. Especially the concluding paragraph and the mid section made a good read... keep posting...All the best.


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