Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

October 07, 2010

My creative space {Blogtoberfest day 7}

As various sewing projects languish (read: gather dust), I have been mucking about this week (read: not dusting) with a tablet pen and my ancient graphics software.

The result is a herd of Ellies in party hats. I'm not 100% sure what is to become of them just yet - they might decorate some cup cake boxes.

I don't think I will show my latest handiwork to the soon-to-be-birthday boy. After all yesterday's request was for an Ellie-in-relief birthday cake ... his next one might be for an ice-carving.

To see more lovely Creative Spaces head over to Kootoyoo.


  1. Right after you produce the Ellie cake, I want to see the Ellie ice carving. And perhaps you can get your pilots license and draw Ellie in the sky? Just an idea. Have fun!!

  2. Hello, thank you for the lovely comment. I love to find new blogs. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is avoiding doing the dusting.

  3. I'm thinking an Ellie chopped liver sculpture.

  4. I see some Hoppo Bumpo fabric designs in the works???

  5. Im with Cam, Ellie fabric in that design would be utterly gorgeous.xo

  6. I totally believe that you could do an ice carving if you put your mind to it! My graphics tablet is currently underneath a lot of stuff - have been planning to get it out for weeks - need to practice so that it actually makes things easier - oh where has the time gone this week!


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