Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

October 16, 2010

Irrefutable evidence the world has gone mad {Blogtoberfest day 16}

I awoke this morning to find the world out of kilter.

To begin, there was white powdery stuff outside. Snow in spring? In suburban Melbourne? Strange.

Then there was news that at the stroke of midnight, one Australian dollar had bought one US dollar. Parity? Fabric bargains online? Strange.

And then Mr HB said he must learn how to use the sewing machine.

What the .... ?


  1. What the alright???? What on earth is Mr HB up to?

  2. Goodness! My son said he saw snow this morning at 6am at his casual job but well, we live in Ballarat. What is Mr HB up to and good for you trusting him with the machine

  3. Completely mad. That's it. I'm taking my cardboard box of supplies and heading into the bunker until normality returns.

  4. OH i love this! We had snow too, in Canberra, actually sleet & hail in places too, wild combination for mid October, sorry mid SPRING??!! My husband has been seen behind my sewing machine (with 4 children cheering him on, unfortunately anything i can do, he can do better) & yes, yippee, go the Australian dollar. Bummer that my husband is home from overseas with US dollars in his wallet. Love your topsy turvy world today, love Posie

  5. Surely there's a law against Mr Hoppo Bumpo using your sewing machine? Does that mean you are allowed to us his dropsaw and nail gun?

  6. does this mean it's a good time or a bad time for you to buy yourself a lottery ticket?

  7. I knew it was a strange day when I woke up and now you have confirmed it for me!

  8. Wow you did indeed have a very strange day. Somehow we managed to miss getting any of the white stuff although we did have hail late last night.

  9. These are the first signs of the apocalypse if you ask me! The first one is pretty scary (snow in Melbourne suburbia?! In October?!), but those last two are actually pretty cool!

    Holly @ Two Cheese Please

  10. I am so pumped about the dollar I cannot begin to tell you! hello etsy fabric!! woot woot!!!

    is Mr HB any good on the machine?

  11. What the? indeedy.

    ... and what is the Mr. sewing???

  12. See the positive side: Him using your machine too makes for the ultimate reason to expand your machinery. The snow? Even more reason to stay inside and do what you love to do most. And about the fabric opportunities we do not have to talk, do we? I see a great future with lots of gorgeous creations for you! ;-)

  13. And I thought it was just the UK that was getting some funny weather! Being October, we should be getting Autumn like weather - hurricane force winds, rain, more rain and just for good measure a little bit of ... rain. What we have is glorious sunshine, unbroken, clear blue skies and 22 degrees celsius!! We don't even get that kind of weather in July!!! We're usually only half way through our rainy season by then. Definitely something strange going on.

  14. I still don't believe in Australian snow. I think it must be fairy dust, which would explain the other mystical events wouldn't it.

  15. Snow?!

    You know how sometimes you have dreams, and you do not KNOW they are dreams until something makes you think back on it...and you realize it never actually happened?

    Yeah. So, just for the record, today in Seattle, it is not December, and it is not snowing. Just thought you'd like to know. LOL ;-)


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