Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

September 17, 2010

Would you like that on white, rye, multigrain or ...

... rainbow?

Today's sandwich bread, from our local bakery.
A little bit wrong.
But strangely irresistible.


  1. They used to do when I was a kid, colour the bread in our suburb to barrack for whoever was in the grand final. Our team were blue and white...mmm, yummy! At least you can't see the mould on it....

  2. Oh my. Not sure if I would feel the urge to eat that, but it sure looks fun to photograph :-D

  3. That's really cool!! Did your kids go for it?

  4. I'd be expecting it to taste like marble cake, and end up bitterly disappointed! A bit like if you made raspberry cordial but used green food colouring.

  5. Not sure how I feel about that Liesl!

  6. Can't even begin to imagine what that would taste like with vegemite on it.

  7. I LOVE IT! Will freak the kids out and make bread this weekend.

  8. Rainbow bread, would be a waste to blacken it out with vegemite. Love Posie

  9. SO wrong yet so right, wouldn't you say.
    Although I do agree with Cam, I think I would expect it to taste like cake xo

  10. That bread looks like wettex to me! I don't think I could eat it.

  11. Oh my! How will you see the green fuzzies when they start to appear?

  12. Seriously? The isn't photoshopped?

    er, no thanks. I'll pass on the sandwiches for today.

  13. I would have such a hard time not thinking I was eating moldy bread lol

  14. A little bit wrong????? What the h*ck do you put on it??

  15. Yum, rainbow bread! It may be a bit wrong, but I love it anyway. We used to make ice cream sandwiches with them!

  16. Definitely to be eaten with sprinkles and hundreds and thousands at a children's party - love it.
    (your sister)

  17. Oh dear, that's more than a little bit wrong. Well, from an adult's point of view anyway! However, I'm thinking it would be a huge hit at a kids party.

  18. It kinda looks like it has been sitting on someones bench for far to long. Are you sure there wasn't a use by date on it somewhere:/


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