Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

April 17, 2010

Death, taxes and far worse things

There are only three things in life that are of certainty: death, taxes and that your children will embarrass you. The first two are, of course, merely an inconvenience in comparison to the latter.

Take this week for example, when Mr Hoppo Bumpo and I chanced upon a Discovery Channel production called Dirty Jobs.

If you are not familiar with this series, each program looks at a difficult or messy occupation. This week's episode involved mud and sludge and dredging trucks: just the thing that we suspected small boys would enjoy. We taped the episode, saving it to our computer hard drive, for future viewing with Argy and Bargy. And as we expected, the boys adored it.

In fact Bargy loved it so much, that he went to kindergarten and told his teacher all about it. Yes he did: I went into my dad's study. And I watched a dirty video on the computer.

See? Give me taxes any day.


  1. So what time are the social workers calling round then?

    Blackmail. Just think of the mileage you can get out of the retelling when he is 16 and trying to be cool!!


  2. I often worry about that when i say "this is an adult movie" trying to clear the lounge for some grown up viewing. I've never watched a porn, i'm pure snow but i'm aware it's referred to as the adult movie industry!! I can assure you, with 4 primary schoolers, my children have said far worse at Show&Tell, like "my daddy doesn't hop on my mummy's back like horses, because that would hurt mummy's back". Had that one relayed to me by a teacher, who laughed about it all day. Love Posie

  3. That is so funny. Chuckling loads here.

  4. I have mistakenly called pirated (Aarrr!) DVDs 'naughty films' to my school kids... and then thought later about what their parents might think about their teacher talking about naughty films.

  5. Ooooohhhh Noooooo... are DHS there yet?

  6. Priceless! Guess they wont be asking you guys to join an parenting committees anytime soon.

  7. ROTHLOL!!! That is great. As a former teacher I used to tell my kids' parents that I wouldn't believe everything their kids told me about home life if they wouldn't believe everything they told them about school life!!!!
    I once had a little girl bring her daddy's Playboy mag. to school to show all the other kids!!

  8. a hahaaahaaa, NO!!!
    don't you just love them!

  9. haaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa

  10. I bet the teachers had a great laugh about that.

  11. Oh my God! Your man will never be able to show his face at school again.

  12. Hahaha! That is classic! Kids are great.

  13. Yes, Dirty Jobs is a great show. I've only just discovered it, and isn't the host funny?

  14. Bahahaha!! I used to be scared to let the kids talk to the IL's on the phone without me there, cause who KNEW what they would tell them!!! :lol:


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