Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

November 08, 2009

Eye spy ... a favourite gadget

I am playing along with Bug and Pop's lovely "Eye Spy" each Sunday. This week's theme is from the delightful Kellie of 74 Lime Lane. She has asked us to show off a favourite gadget.

I'm a bit partial to gadgets, but this would have to be my current favourite. Its a free-standing, re-chargable Thomas The Tank Engine night light with inbuilt torch.

It is the magic cure for a small boy who had been getting up at 3am, turning on the lights and singing. It must remain fully charged. At. All. Times.

Thank you to Cindy for hosting Eye Spy and to Kellie for the theme. To discover other shoes, head over here.


  1. i would agree that the gadget love can be a little fickle and goes with what is most needed at the time! this sounds like a very handy gadget indeed!

  2. We have the "In the night garden" version of same night light. They are pretty cool.

  3. Oh what I good idea - I wanted to get one for the madam but my Mr has some childhood phobia of night light's - he had a Humphrey Bear one when he was little and it still freaks him out - it's a little funny as he is now 35, big and tattooed and scared of night lights - love him x

  4. Ooh that looks like an excellent idea. We are having a problem with that nocturnal lights on singing business thing too!

  5. i wish they had of had something like that when i was a kid, its perfect :D

  6. Oh my word. I'm stashing that one away in my brain for future use. Do you think it would work for two small boys who like getting up at 4.30-5.30am every day?!

  7. OH I love that!! That is one of the best gadgets I've ever seen!

  8. Cool gadget and a great snap to boot. Oh sheesh, I can feel another meme play along coming on.

  9. WHAT the... 3am and SINGS??????

    What does he sing?

    Amazing a night light solves the problems. Like a bandaid solves many others!

  10. Oh no! When does the singing kick in? We already have the 4.00am wake ups!

  11. I got one! Ours is a stegosaurus.


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