Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

October 03, 2009

How to disguise your junk food habit as craft (Blogtoberfest day 3)

1. Consume contents
2. Refashion packaging
3. Wear

May we present the Cheezelosaurus.

Is it just me, or do you think he looks a little lonely? Perhaps he needs a brother? Or extended family?

Brought to you as part of Tinniegirl's Blogtoberfest - a post a day in October.


  1. Brilliant. Perhaps you're right - maybe the chocosaurus and the chipadactyl need to join him...?!

  2. He needs an extended family. May I offer my assistance in helping you empty the necessary crafting materials?!! And, like your first commenter, I think the chocosaurus and chipadactyl are much needed additions.

  3. Maybe a 'pollywaffleosaurous'?

  4. I love it! I always seem to have lots of empty Shapes boxes - savoury and bbq are my favourites (purely for the craft possibilities of course).

  5. The Ellieboo clan can add quite a few Diet CokeColaRaptors to Hopporassic Park

  6. Tee, hee. Good excuse to make a Timtamosaurus...

  7. You are the best! Do you know that? You really really are.

  8. yep I think he does- happy to help with the eating bit!!!

  9. All about the kiddies you are - no sacrfice too big for you cuties. Cheezel forth!

  10. I've seen the chocbicosaurus here quite a bit of late, but it's okay now, I've put extra padlocks on the doors....

  11. Seems like the Nutellasaurus might want to join in too!

  12. I seem to have a cheesecakeasaurus in the makings here...let me know if I can be of assistance in extending your little family.

  13. So many of the useful creations in our house are made of diet coke boxes - revealing to those on the ball, my hidden addiction!

  14. Do you need another excuse to eat more cheezels?? Love it - very cool and you can totally justify the junk food if you're going to wear the packaging!


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