Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

August 12, 2009

Episode II: The Empire Dress Strikes Back

Episode II
The Empire Dress Strikes Back

It is a dark time for
Hoppo Bumpo. Although the
Death Star has been destroyed

and the Folkwear pattern redrafted,
the dreaded dress fitting on
the remote ice world of Hoth
did not go as well as expected.

Rebel forces made the neckline
too low and the bodice too shallow.
Evading the dreaded Imperial
Starfleet, a group of freedom
fighters led by Fluke Fast-talker
has established a new secret
mission to redraw the pattern pieces.

Meanwhile the evil lord Darth Vader,
is finishing some invisible mending
on his cape after a bit of an incident
in the far reaches of space...


  1. Sounds like a mission where help is needed. Maybe it's time to recruit Argy Skywalker or Bargy Solo. No. That wont work. It will only lead to more trouble (albeit great blog posts...). Maybe this is a mission for one. Good Luck and may the force be with you Hoppo...

  2. *grabs a bowl of popcorn*

    Can't wait to see how it ends! Goodluck!

  3. Ooooooooooh Nooooooooo!
    Where's Luke Skywalker when you need him?

  4. yoda would come in handy in a situation like that :p

  5. Loving the Star Wars "In a galxy far, far away..." text approach.


  6. OMG. I'm totally humming along to the opening credits already!

  7. May the Force be with you. Hopefully you won't need to replace a hand at the end of all this.

  8. Bummerrrrr. I hope things start to come together soon. It must be so frustrating! I can't wait to see your eventual triumph!

  9. Help me Obi-wan Kenobi. Your my only hope.

    LMAO! This post is hilarious. :-)) I'm wondering about this cape incident of Darth Vader's now.

  10. You are a silly lady and I like you very much.
    - an admirer

  11. Fabulous! The inspiration and style of your posts are so interesting I keep coming back for more!

  12. Haha!!! What a hoot! Thanks for the giggle!


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