Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

August 05, 2009

Confucius says ...

... mother who cleans small mark off wall makes whole wall look dirty.

Yes, I can confidently reveal the magic in those Magic Erasers: you start with a one minute job and are still going at sundown. Next time I need to clean Argy and Bargy's grime off the walls, please remind me just to repaint.


  1. LOL - if you have leather lounges don't start to clean them either, sure they look better without the green texta, but the surrounding area looks filthy!

  2. Re-painting would be quicker!

  3. Ooops! They do work a treat though, don't they? I've had many a mark that wouldn't budge with anything else.

    Thanks for the comments you left on my blog Liesl. I felt very loved after you'd visited!


  4. i love those erasers, get almost anything off the wall. but yeah in this case painting would be quicker, or just let them draw on the wall to cover the mark up ;p

  5. I swear I spent a whole day cleaning the family room wall with one of those babies. You can't just stop at the spot in question, can you?

  6. Truer words have never been said. And ditto to the leather couch, I have learnt to embrace beige, egg shell just sounded so pretentious anyway.

  7. Oh man! I hate that and my kids and husband cannot keep their hands off of the wall and door trim. Look at any doorway in our house and you'll see 2 streaks of grime, one kid height and one Husband height!

  8. Heehee...magic erasers are my best friend..I have no idea how I got through my kids' early years without them!!!


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