Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

May 17, 2009

Eye spy ... something green

As you may have seen in previous weeks, each Sunday I play along with Cindy's "Eye Spy" meme. There is a different, fun theme each week. This week Trashalou, of the ever-entertaining Trashcan, asked us to spy something ... "green".


Listen up Trashalou: I'll have you know that we try and keep green a secret in this house. A deep, dark secret. Its my life's work, lady.

So you'll have to lean in a little closer, because I'm going to have to whisper my something green.

Now you see it.

Now you don't.

And there's never to be another word spoken of this again. Ever.

Thank you to Cindy for hosting Eye Spy and especially to Trashalou for the fun theme. To discover more green, head over here.


  1. I am so with you! Very creative and tasty green subterfuge here.

  2. hehe! classic! li love your eye spy!

  3. What green? I didn't see any green...

  4. Ahh, the subterfuge we must resort to!

  5. You are hilarious - my littlies are too wirey to fall for that

  6. I am told other moms hate me...my ds's favorite veg is spinach, closely followed by a lot of others, such as pumpkin, bell pepper, etc. He has been known to pounce on a spinach leaf with a shout of triumph. DD has her own set of fave veggies. :p


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