Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

May 31, 2009

Eye spy ... a morning ritual

I am playing along with Cindy's Eye Spy meme each Sunday. This week the delightful Angie of Three Red Buttons, asked us to reveal our morning ritual.

I'm afraid mine is all about the laundry. It comprises:
[1] opening curtains
[2] looking out window
[3] assessing meteorological conditions
[4] double-checking assessment with online weather forecast
[4] selecting appropriate strategy (see below)

Weather contingencies

Fine - wash clothes and hang out on line; send children outside to play; have a cup of tea

Showers - wash clothes and hang on children; send on laps around the house ... run, boys, run; have a strong coffee

Rain - abandon the clothes; hang up children; crack open the cooking sherry

Thankfully the pea-souper fog from earlier this morning (pictured above) has dissipated to reveal beautiful blue skies and sunshine!

Thank you to Cindy for hosting Eye Spy and to Angie for the fun theme. To discover more blogs, head over here.


  1. Oh yes I understand the importance of weather...any moment without sleet or hail is usually earmarked for rugging the smalls up & sending them out, out, out!

    Lovely morning shot from the window.

  2. lol!

    You always crack me up ;)

  3. I love how you find the humour in daily life!

  4. LOL - Love that morning routine.

  5. My bloglines ritual...
    1)Open Bloglines.
    2)Read Hoppos Bumpo Post
    3) Snort tea/wine (depending on the time of day) all over keyboard...

  6. my life seems to revolve around laundry too - why is there always so much of the stuff

  7. So Winter find you with piles of dirty clothes, children hanging from strange places and you not remembering much due to the empty bottle/s of nasty yet mind-numbing sherry...

    Thanks for the laugh!

  8. lol at the "rain" contingencies :D I curse the sky when it rains :/ probably looks a little odd when people see me shaking my fists in anger :p

  9. ha HA! if you lived over here in ireland, you might have to consider buying buying cooking sherry wholesale...!

  10. Things are surely bad, when the cooking sherry is the poison of choice! Time to buy a clothes dryer? and a nice bottle of wine? I love having a laugh early in the morning. Starts the day off well - thanks!


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