Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

March 31, 2009

Just a minute ... in March

I am joining in with Jenaveve's Just a minute meme, where we take a few moments to recall what we've been doing during the month. So the the best of my recollection, it went something like this ...

Growing ...

... very little. March was characterised by horticultural disappointment. The brown wilted Grosse Lisse (what a misnomer) tomato bush, gave up its last few miniature tomatoes. The wild excitement when we discovered that two watermelons had set on the long curly vines, was soon replaced with disinterest when a mouldy black rot set in. The lemon tree was a dud, again. The coriander (pictured above) went to seed. The lettuces shuffled off the mortal coil. I am in two minds about whether to plant winter vegetables. Though I rather suspect that the glorious autumn weather we have been having here in Melbourne, is likely to lure me back to the nursery ...


... invoices and receipts. As I may have mentioned previously, I am our kindergarten's treasurer. March is a busy time. Term fees are invoiced; money collected, receipted and deposited. I sometimes have trouble believing that our kindergarten system is so poorly funded that someone like myself would be "doing the books", as a volunteer. Clearly, no-one realised that my forte is spending money, not collecting it.

When I haven't been knee deep in mail merges, databases and spreadsheets, I have been working on my first quilt (the lovely Two Square pattern from Audrey and Maude) and continuing a little work on my crocheted Afghan (granny) squares. I went wild and completed a whole two squares this last month.

Watching ...

... a new children's program called Chuggington. For the uninitiated its another English offering comprising talking trains. The boys are obsessed. Apparently I am now called Karen and Argy and Bargy are Wilson and Brewster, respectively. I was relieved to discover that Karen is a human and not a train with a massive caboose.

Reflecting ...

... as I looked at the calendar: I have now been a stay-at-home mum for four years. Next week is Argy's birthday. The time has gone in a blink of an eye, but somehow some of the memory of the pre-kids, worklife is becoming hazy. I wonder where I will be in 4 years time? Yesterday I saw a bumper sticker that said "The best way to predict the future is to help create it". I liked that.

To see who else is playing along with Just a minute ... head over to Jenaveve's blog, August Street.


  1. "I was relieved to discover that Karen is a human and not a train with a massive caboose."

    lol that is relieving to know that your not a a train

  2. Chuggington is a breath of fresh air in our house. Glad to hear you are being exposed to it too. I don't even mind it myself (shaking my fist at Rev. W. Awdry).

  3. My 6 yr old loves Chuggington too! Do you find yourself singing along to the very catchy song? (or is that just me? Oh dear, I clearly watch far too much kids tv!)

  4. I remain blissfully ignorant of train-related programs for children, but that sounds a little better than the 'other' program, about which I once received a lecture from a four year old, anxious to explain why he calls Mr. Tacc 'James the Human' as to distinguish him from 'James the train'.
    So you may not have a caboose, my dear, but I'm married to one.
    Oh, and the four year old is now playing drums. He's 14.

  5. "Chuggington, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugginton......"

    I do my best to keep the Charlie and Lola theme tune uppermost in my mind or this is what I get!

    Chloe is most impressed by the ice cream.

  6. I bet it has been a great 4 years too. I am sure you have learnt more in the last 4 years than ever before - not sure if any of it is usable though.

  7. Wow! All those Chugger fans. It is comforting to know I'm not alone....

  8. Love that quote about the future. So, what will you create HB?


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