Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

December 16, 2008

Its a wrap

Yummy Swiss chocolate bars over-wrapped in aluminium foil, scrap-booking papers and pretty ribbons. (A festive transformation inspired by the words and beautiful pictures over at A Spoonful of Sugar).

All destined to be gifts for Mr HB's work team.

Mrs Hoppo Bumpo does the cutting, sticking and tying; Mr Hoppo Bumpo takes the glory.


  1. The husband taking credit for the wife's efforts is a time honoured Christmas tradition.
    They sure do look cute though. A few years ago I made some shortbreads and the husband asked if I could make a little package for everyone in his team. Ah, how many would that be? Oh, about 20 Yeah right.

  2. They look so lovely! I think you might need to add a gift tag to advertise the fact that Mrs Hoppo Bumpo did all the hard work!

  3. I know Glen does the same thing with the kids and trust me his part wasn't that hard!

  4. What a fabulous idea. I might have to throw together some of those.

  5. They do look lovely! Isn't is always the case, the wife does the wrapping and the husband takes the glory.

  6. Looks fantastic! Lovely gifts.

    Sounds like our household. I mowed most of the lawn on the weekend (and it's a biiiiig lawn) and my mother-in-law gave the credit to Matt. OUTRAGEOUS.

  7. Great work - but it is typical we do the stuff an the men get the rewards (humfh!)

  8. Alright...who is on my list that needs choc bars????

  9. They look so cute! I am sure his team know his capabilities.


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