Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

November 13, 2008

Please wear a hat ... or why it pays to be specific with your toddler

He did exactly as he was asked: If you're going outside to play, please put a hat on.

Its just that its 32°C in Melbourne today and that is a ski hat.


  1. That is adorable - gotta love the little terrors havent you (Im more referring to the Boo when I say terror as I am sure Argy and Bargy are little angels)

  2. At least he's very good at following instructions....

  3. sounds like my son

    me"put that down"
    him*throws whatever his holding across the room*

    yup sounds about right!

  4. A that is so funny!

    I am so glad you documented this so when he is older he can laugh and so can his children....

    P.S. I also LOVE home delivery (grin)

  5. They are funny, aren't they! he was obviously a boy on a mission!

  6. Your kids do the cutest things! So cute.

  7. Aww... that is so cute and funny. At least he obeyed! heh heh

    Ruth xx

  8. In my experience it also pays to be specific with seven year olds. Is it a boy thing?

  9. "Don't talk with your mouth full"

    She finishes chewing her food, swallows, takes a SMALL bite of food and continues to talk

  10. Thats hilarious!!! But you are right its a hat?! Funny Boy!!!

  11. Um - that is so darn cute I can't stop looking at it. SOOOOO cute. Love the literal interpretations!

  12. Heh Heh! I know this so well!
    What a cutie!


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