Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

November 17, 2008

Old news

The phone rang. He was a nice young man. He said he was from my weekend newspaper; that he had an offer. The broadsheet home-delivered - every day of the week - for just a dollar extra. A special for three months.

Of course I was tempted. It would have been such a bargain. I wavered momentarily.

He sounded crestfallen. Telephone sales are a hard gig. Was I sure I didn't want take up this offer, he persisted. May he enquire why?

(Should I have told him about the sewing, as well?)


  1. heh heh, it's so hard letting earnest young men down easily :)

  2. Wouldn't it be lovely if you actually had time to sit down and relax and actually read a newspaper every day!
    Reading blogs is so much more interesting anyway...

  3. Think of it as saving some trees from becoming newsprint!

  4. The offer is so tempting. WE only receive Sat and Sun, but given that Saturday's paper is still rolled up in its plastic, I can't bear the thought of a whole week of papers sitting there unread.

  5. Reading the papers is such a luxury, isn't it? It's a bad sign when Sunday Magazine becomes my all week magazine.

  6. I got sucked-in too. At least yours made it to the house...my Sunday paper is still on the front lawn!

  7. I tried a similar thing recently with the same result.
    The boys loved as they played swords with the rolled up papers.
    I too take all week to read the weekend papers and still often don't make it right through.

  8. I fell for that one recently - two days in, I realised I don't have time to read the paper on weekedays before work( cos i am reading blogs then!) , so cancelled it.

  9. Hope you've got time to play a little blog game though! I've tagged you on my blog, hope that's ok!

  10. I stopped my subscription years ago - just not compatible with having young children!


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