Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

October 14, 2008

Stand-back-and-throw: apricot chicken

When asked to assess this week's stand-back-and-throw-meal, here were the unedited comments of three leading chefs:

Jamie: Eat real food instead of packaged lies

Nigella: This is an unabashed lazy, unctuous, luscious, oozy dish .... mmmmm (dips finger into casserole and licks the sauce suggestively)

Gordon: What the ... bleep... this is .... bleep ... lazy ... you really should be ... bleep .... embarrassed

Embarrassed? Yes, maybe. Just a little. That said, may I present the laziest easiest version of apricot chicken you are ever likely to see.

To make this dish I started by slicing some mushrooms and spring onions. Next I opened two tins: one of apricot nectar and the other of apricot halves (which I drained). After this I tore open a packet of powdered French onion soup. Finally I threw the lot in a covered casserole dish with some chicken thigh fillets and popped it into the oven until cooked.

This dish really is exceptionally versatile. Don't like pieces of fruit in savoury dishes? Omit the apricots. Don't like vegetables? Omit the onion and mushrooms. Don't like the sound of this much work? Omit all the ingredients above and dial for take-out.


  1. Do you think I could use tinned mushrooms too? I might just be able to manage that!

  2. BTW you're featured in today's Blogtoberfest Blog Crawl: http://bellgirl.com.au/2008/10/blogtoberfest-blog-crawl-issue-6.html

    Happy Blogtoberfesting!

  3. Bleeping hilarious!
    I would have been quoteing Nigella but you have added mushies and I detest mushies hahahahaa

    it looks yumo!
    I wish I could cook or at least had a lil ounce of motivation to cook hahaha

  4. My goodness, my Mom used to make this dish!

    Love your celebrity comments, you go girl!

  5. Wow - you go the whole hog by adding the mushrooms and onions... I just do chicken, soup mix and nectar & if I'm feeling exceptionally domesticated - I'll add the apricot halves LOL

  6. I like Gordon the best! All the bleeps make me laugh! This Apricot Chicken would be easy in the Crockpot too and I haven't had it in ages, thanks for the tip!

  7. I haven't eaten apricot chicken for about 15 years. I'm adding those ingredients to the shopping list..yummo!

  8. I so love these recipes. I think I will have to give this one a go next week. I love jar cooking.

  9. That last option sounds pretty good to me too!

  10. Do people still eat this?? I thought it was just a thing from my childhood!

    Sounds delish - might have to make some this week.

  11. Hmm, I do like the look of the apricot chicken but the idea of a takeaway sounds quite tempting too ;p

    No, really, I do like apricot chicken and yours sounds really easy.

  12. I reckon I'll have to give that a go! sounds yum!

  13. Tat was the best receipe story I have read : )

  14. I like your style! I have a cooking policy - no dish should take longer than 30mins from start to finish - right up my alley this is then! embarassed, Gordon??? bleep-ing stoked more likely!

  15. Ha ha ha!!! Too funny! I love the "omit all ingredients and dial for take-out" line!

    Otherwise... sounds yummy!


  16. This sounds a lot like a dish called Chicken Awful-Awful that is made in a slow cooker. I've always wanted to try it!

  17. Yep...a goodie, on the menu for next week!


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