Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

October 12, 2008

Deere to my heart

This weekend the Hoppo Bumpos took a road trip to the beautiful Western District, four hours drive west of Melbourne.

I rather enjoyed being ensconced as passenger and self-appointed navigator for the four hour drive each way. I made quite a bit of progress with my crochet, whilst voicing contradictory driving instructions over the top of Mr HB's clueless, but resolute, GPS (I don't think I much care for such gadgets after this trip ... that GPS lady is very persistent).

We spent the weekend visiting my sister who lives in a lovely regional town. Argy and Bargy had a fabulous time with their auntie. They were also quite excited to see sheep on an adjacent property. Bless my little city slickers: bunnies, yelled one, while the other exclaimed ... dogs.

I took the opportunity to do a spot of craft shopping in town yesterday. I almost fainted with excitement (on Argy and Bargy's behalf, of course) when I spotted the fabric pictured above. Oh, the possibilities! (They may be clueless about farm animals, but those two know a thing or two about farm machinery). I rushed the fabric to the counter, prepared to head-high tackle anyone who even made a sidelong glance at the bolt. I am now the proud owner of two metres of John Deere Tractors by Daisy Kingdom.

The perfect end to the perfect weekend.


  1. Cute fabric!
    It's fun, here it is still weekend: Sunday 1.00pm! We still have half a weekend day!!!

  2. sounds great! Love that fabric too.

  3. We used to live up a farm track behind a yard where they sold all those combine harvesters and big blue and green shiny machinery-things. Every male who visited - from age 2 to 92 - was entranced by the tractors. I could've decorated in style if only I'd known of this fabric back then!

  4. It is funny we call our GPS lady Robota. I am happy that you found fabric that brought such joy to your little one.

  5. My Bug said 'dog' when he saw a picture of some sheep too. He also now says 'tractor', even if it's actually a back hoe- but he's learnt that from me, I call all large machinery 'tractor'. We'll have to get some lessons from your boys!

    Can't wait to see what you make with the fabric!

  6. That's hilarious...I can't believe that it even has John Deere printed on it.

  7. I'm with Curlypops....even having JD printed on it

  8. Score - great material. God forbid anyone who got between you and your John Deere fabric - they'd be a braver person than me :)

  9. I am the same, Caleb is in love with Roary and he wanted the blue one, I was so excited when I found it, I nearly woke him up to show him.
    My Dad is building in the Solomons at the moment, so Dad sent him a picture with Hello Caleb on it with him standing in front of his front loader - he moved up the cool ladder real quick.

  10. Im in awe of the John Deere having its own fabric! How cool!!


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