Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

October 13, 2008

Blogtoberfest: winner of the potholder

Do you know that funny feeling you get sometimes?

The persistent feeling that you might have forgotten something? Something kind of important. But you just can't put your finger on what it is. I've had that feeling tonight.

Its only just occured to me that I was supposed to be drawing a giveaway. Nearly two and a half hours ago. I hope I am not struck from being a Blogtoberfest participant, for forgetfulness. I really should have taken more notice of this very salient post at Big Cat's Emporium about mindfulness and being more present in the moment.

So without further ado (and before I forget what I am writing about) the winner according to random.org is #19 The Essess. Congratulations!

If you could drop me a line with your address, I will make sure that your gingerbread man potholder will run, run as fast as it can ....


  1. I won, I Won, Yeh for me!
    I never win anything!!!
    I fell in love with the gingerbread men pot holders and thought what a clever way to make them more interesting! Im very excited and I finished my kitchen tonight so what perfect timing! They are coming to a good home and its a quiet Goldtown so they will live a very peaceful life in my retro kitchen! Thanks!!!!!

  2. oh my. i know that forgetful feeling SO WELL. i end up getting it at least once a day for a good reason.

  3. Living in the moment isn't easy, it's my full time job.


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