Hoppo Bumpo (n): A children's game. Played by folding one's arms and hopping on one leg. Aim is to bump opponents, so that they lose their balance. Last person standing wins.

July 15, 2008

Construction couture

This little appliqued shirt is for a friend who has just turned two. We share a mutual appreciation of cement mixers.

I have to admit: I have become so swept up in Argy and Bargy's obsession with construction vehicles, that I sometimes find myself marvelling at particular machines. When I am out on my own. Sad.


  1. You are far from sad, I have an appreciation for cement mixers as well and I wish I would have thought of making an applique of one, this is so cute I will put this project on my to do list, great blog, take care :)

  2. Oh yes, I know what you mean about marvelling at these type of things even when you are on your own!

  3. Gorgeous job! Nothing wrong with appreciation of different things. Ours is currently birds who knew there were so many varieties in our local area?

  4. Nice applique. :D And yeah...I'm always seeing cool stuff to tell the kids when I get home, lol.

  5. Nice work! and I think it's good to have shared interests ;)

  6. I have an appreciation for mechanical vehicles too... and I don't even have kids! (shhhh! Don't tell anyone!) Nice applique too :)

  7. Oooh, I love the applique. Looks great.

  8. That's so sweet...I make lots of cement mixer things for my nephew whose daddy is a concretor!


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