April 15, 2010

My creative space

I am joining in with Thursday's My Creative Space at Kootoyoo.

This week I am doing a little jewellry repair: re-stringing a somewhat fragile, but beautiful and unique necklace.

I believe the beads are the rarely seen Macaroni-ite Dye-us. I would have run them through my teeth to check their authenticity, but oddly the words colour run keep springing to mind. Anyway, I have replaced their original stringing (a piece of pink yarn) with some nice stretchy hat elastic.

I am told that you can make a good replica of these beads by combining a couple tablespoons of rubbing alcohol, food coloring and some uncooked pasta. The beads need to be left to dry for an hour on paper towel before being used. (And I am assuming that wearing them in the rain would be a disaster waiting to happen.)

Thank you very much Kirsty for hosting My Creative Space. Its great fun seeing what everyone is doing. To see who else is showing their creative space today (or to join in), head over here.


  1. Well if you wore a white shirt (in that rain) you might have a whole other creative space to talk about :P...Love the rich color.

  2. What a precious necklace, I can't wait until I get those from my kids.

  3. Hey! Where's that sense of adventure? A new take on the tie dye look: dribble dye.

  4. I love it! I used to eat my pasta necklaces!

  5. Lovely collaborative project. Way to go HB gang.

  6. that necklace is precious. Kid craft is the best xo

  7. whereever did you get such rare and precious beads- do you have to wear it out? Busy made me wear the necklace she wore me to the shops. I wore it proudly head held high!

  8. We have many of the plainer Macaroni-ite au naturale. And yes Cath, I have had to wear one to the supermarket too.

  9. My daughter would love a Macaroni-ite necklace. I am not so sure, though, that her brother would be able to refrain from turning it into Macaronius Drippus on Shirtus.

  10. cute stuff. hey mum these are great, nibble, nibble. ;o)

  11. You're very funny. I think they look just absolutely fabulous dah-ling! xo m.

  12. Gorgeous necklace Great tips on colouring the pasta. May have to try it if I'm feeling brave enough.

  13. Loving your very very very precious necklace. Delightful.

  14. That is a rare treasure. Perhaps a trip out in the rain should be encouraged - you would become a human erosion bundle.

  15. love a practical project. jewellery one minute dinner the next


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